Mini Professors Basingstoke


At Mini Professors, we aim to inspire a generation. We believe that science should be accessible to all. As with languages, children can easily absorb and learn science from an early age. That is why we endeavour not to dumb down scientific terminology but explain scientific principles in simple terms with fun experiments. We encourage our Mini Professors to explore for themselves and interact as much as possible. Our classes are suitable for children from 2 years old up until and while they are 5 years old.

We also offer Mini Professors Parties for Children 2 to 7 years. 

If you are looking for fun and exciting science classes for you and your child to enjoy together, please contact Professor Karon  Email  or phone 01256 473394

Don't forget to visit our Facebook page and like us to keep up-to-date on all the latest information



We will continue to use Zoom as our online platform, if you do not already have this you will need to download the most current, updated version (with added security measures) as old versions will not work after 30th May. If you log in & are still running on the older version then zoom will force an upgrade which will take a few minutes, so please factor in time to do this before class begins. 

  1. Zoom can be used via a browser or app, for best experience we recommend using on a TV (via mirroring from your tablet or phone or for example Apple TV), laptop or PC you can use it on a tablet or phone. Although the experience on a phone will not be as good.
  2. Click on the link & codes sent by your class leader. Make sure you can be seen in the window. Make sure you and your toddler can see the class leader well. 
  3. There will be times in the class you will be on mute and times when you will be heard by everyone. If you join a little late you will be on mute from the beginning. 
  4. Ideally join the class 10 minutes before it is due to start and your class leader will be there to greet you & take the register
  5. The class will begin & follow the same format as usual with our welcome song, introduction of the topic with a show & tell & investigating the items inside the 'special bag', followed by experiment 1, then our bespoke video, a topic related story, followed by experiment 2 & lastly our summary & goodbye song. 
  6. If either yourself or your child has a question or your class leader asks a question & they would like to answer it we ask them to 'give us a wave'. If they are chosen, you will then need to make sure you are unmated your end so everyone will be able to hear you. 

Each class has it's own ID and password which you will be required to enter before joining the meeting. These codes DO NOT change and will remain THE SAME each week until the end of this summer block so please note all down and keep them to hand.
If you find you cannot attend the day of the class you booked then please feel free to hop on to another class that suits you. We are flexible and able to adapt to your needs so no matter which day or time we are always ready to welcome you in :-)