Make a Mini Professors pinwheel.

What's the difference between Tornadoes and Hurricanes? One forms over water and moves towards land and the other forms over land and moves towards water. Do you know which one is which?

Whilst we hope there are neither happening in your garden, we all know there is nothing better than a light breeze on a warm day. To watch the breeze in action you can make your very own Mini Professors pinwheel.

Make a Pinwheel
- Print out the template here

Printable Pinwheel Template

- Follow the instructions at the bottom of the page
- Attach your pinwheel to a stick in your garden with a drawing pin
- Watch it whizz around!

Why don't you have a go at making lots and dotting them around. Is it windier is certain parts of your garden? What happens when they face a different way?

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