Make a Pinecone Weather Station
Do you go for lots of walks? Do you end up with pockets full of sticks, stones and pinecones?
All these items can be placed on your Nature Table coming later this week but you can also create your very own weather station with the pinecones
Weather stations are a great way for working on prediction skills, a maths and science skill they will use regularly.
Grab your pine cones and set them up on a window sill outside but make sure you can still see them from the inside. You might want to secure them down with a little blu tak.
Open pinecone = Dry weather
Closed pinecone = Wet weather
Another great way to encourage making predictions for younger children is to look at patterns around them or even look at a picture or poster and ask what they think will happen next. This will build on their imagination as well as maths and science skills.
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